Mellan Muise
Bizzaro Storynies!!!!!!!!!!
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Bizzaro Storynies!!!!!!!!!!
Scrying Methods~

Caro is blue, Desiree is violet, and Amy's black

Our Bizzaro Storynie~ The Ballad Of The Damned


One fine sunny morn a young girl, called Barnabie was walking up to the ice-cream man he was listening to the radio and looked very worried about something.

Barnabie tapped him on the shoulder and said, whats happening mister?

The ice cream man replied, Shut up and listen!

So Barnabie did just that. The radio said,


Alert! Desirees sighted in the Johto are. All pokemon to their escape pods! And with that, Caro and her best friend Pip ran to the pokemon stadium, to battle Desiree, the final battle. And so it was, and Desiree was indeed in the stadium awaiting the challenge. Watashi ga ii! Oshiete! Announced ringmaster coho in the arena. The secret ingredient is.


Basil bag needed for the secret elixir of roast Caro The elixir renders the drinker completely dazed confused & drunk & causes them to cause a riot every time they think that it is getting to sober. Who wouldnt want that??? Eh heh I mean yes Any whos. whos heard of the Swissian yankovic bugle???? It is a bottomless beast tiz no instrument gobbling its unsuspecting yodelers into the realm of Vanessiatetea Where one day drives the man insane tiz is a horrible sight! The vanessitea has beauty beyond that of her fellow ass-kissers but tiz the voice

That calls to me, the voice which beckons me to my death, but I will not give in thought Barnabie, I must not give in! Not while there are hungry donkeys wandering around this late at night, and of course their masters.

But Barnabie was not alone, and she knew it. She had felt the presence of someone, someone she had known all along, he had haunted her dreams with his haunting song, the ballad of the damned. He was always there never leaving, forever tormenting her already slightly tormented mind. She had to turn around and see him for herself, confront him face to face. She lifted her head slowly and turned the slightest bit, she closed her eyes and when she opened them she saw...


That Desiree had been cheating.

CHECKMATE! Hollered the Desiree, obviously unaware of the rules of the proposed game.

Desiree, She began, you dont say checkmate in paigow, for the last bloody time. And get your pikachu off the table!

Im offended! Said the Desiree, storming out of the room in a little hissy fit of both rage and denial.

She sighed. Desiree was really weird. And where the hell did she get that pikachu? Sears? Caroline? Paigow. All the clues were beginning to make sense now and they had been so hazy before. Desiree was now a prime suspect in the crime of


Passion I mean hate... god where have I been for the past 4 weeks? OMG!! Its Alias all over again DAM U SLONE I mean DAM U COVENET!! Hem hem faretheewell. Get lost! U already got a free show now bugger off u fruit eating pandas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAM that crunchy Nut! DAM U BUNDY!!!!!!!!!


~~~~~~~*********~~~~ FIN ~~~~**********~~~~~~~~

The Carp Brick-Road Written By Caro and Amy


There once was a girl called Caroline, nobody knew it but she could recite the alphabet very well. Amy wasnt good at her alphabet so she asked caroline for help. Caroline refused. So amy went to Timbuktu, to find the leader of the only tribe who could help her. Carolina was unfortunately the leader of that tribe, not CAROLINE but Carolina, her long lost twin cousin. Amy brought gifts to sweeten the deal and then she was on her way to success! Carolina enjoyed the sweet fruits of payment and as such was on her way to telling amy- or was she? The great Caroline suddenly appeared from behind the shrubbery, she stole the fruit of fortune from the grasp of Carolina and threw them in the river, Amys only hope of learning her ABCs was decreased. Yet hope still remained, whilst the company stayed true. The company meaning Amys pet lobster Alfie. Alfie suggested they go see the fabled Wizard of Oz, AKA Craleen. Craleen Carp. The only path to the mightyful Craleen Carp was through the tormenting desert of the soon to be damned. Amy and Alfie decided to take the highway that was recently built, as it provided convenience and a quicker path. But OH NO! the highway was closed for repairs! So Amy and Alfie had to take the rickety bridge that was over the biggest gorge ever. They walked casually over the bridge to find their next route- The forest of prettiful ponies. The head pony- Desiree The Pampered, challenged them to a duel. The challenge was a stroll through the forest, the first to find Craleens Magical Crayon would be the victor. And so commenced the race/stroll. Amy cheated by using Alfies psychic lobster powers, and as such won. Now it was on to the tower of evil/ woden plaza. Amy had agreed to meet in Inner Harmony, but she didnt know which entrance to go to, the front or back? Bum bum bummmm..Didnt have to go through either because desiree torched the place. So instead Amy got an ice cream for Craleen at the ice cream emporium and set off along the yellow brick road to craleen of oz. The road was slippery as it had been raining the previous night, so Amy and Alfie put on their special wet weather booties. Amys were yellow which blended in with the road as to provide camouflage. Alfie was wearing orange booties not providing him with camouflage. The road had been long and arguous but finally they reached emerald carp city, though now the problem was getting to see craleen, and the only way amy could was by buying designer clothes. But she had no money! So amy was to work for her prize! She got a day job at the reject shop and was paid a penny a day. Amy found an alternative by burning the place down and selling the employees as slaves. Thus providing her with adequate finances to purchase said garments. Fine and dandy did she look in her new attire, Alfie also purchased a baby blue winter ensemble  from baby wear. He was indeed pleased. So in they went, to the annual Craleen Carp Ball, A monicle would have suited the occasion but amy blew the rest of their money at the track. So walk on they did, a site to behold, Alfie was foaming. Dance is what amy wished to do but the matter at hand was of greater importance. The bouncer was a big burley guy. But he let them through without a word. Craleen was at the head table, her long white beard flowing.
My name is Craleen Carp and I think Im so good!
It was time to ask the favour.
mighty Craleen! Do you know the alphabet? asked amy.
No, but I can give you these magical shoes I stole from the corpse of that witch. I pick shoes.
Ok but I am a size 7 is that what size they are?
no they are an 8 and a half! said Craleen.
Oh nothing girl! Nothing! Wear the shoes. They are cheap but they sparkle like the eyes of a freshly battered carp.
Alfie didnt like the idea of battered carp as he was himself a form of seafood. But he was hungry. Amy took the shoes despite the largeness that would consume her life.
She clicked her heels and changed her wish to:
I wish I had unlimited wishes and I wish the great Mc Donalds Empire was overthrown and that Alfie were polkadot and that Caroline were 300 tonnes and that I owned a naval fleet called Amy rocks.
There was a loud blast of horns and Amys wish was granted. But there was one catch, Amy must first eat tasty food. But no food in Oz was tasty she must find the nearest town/village/city and eat their tasty food. The nearest town was The villa of the great (which was owned by Caro, Carolina and Carolines other long lost twin cousin). It wasnt so bad, the villa had some nice venues, although the national dish was rack of desiree. Amy wasnt brave enough to try the rack of desiree so she just settled with canned spaghetti. But she was lacking a microwave. So she just ate ten sticks with sauce and piņatas. The piņatas were the tastiest treat of all the tasty treats. So Amys quest was complete, except for the part about ABCs or something.


Desiree mistreats her beaver