Mellan Muise
Recipes and Such
Stories and Literature
Miscellaneous Cool Stuff
Member Art
*~Actual Wicca Info-Divination etc~*
Bizzaro Storynies!!!!!!!!!!
Scrying Methods~

Links to the other sites I made. How much am I cool?! Definitely 12 on the richter scale!

Amy's Job Network

The first site I ever made, inspired by an IT project using Microsoft Word. I like to call it my 'Golden Era'.
claims from satisfied customers:

"We really disliked enjoyed Amy's Job Network!"

"Never Please make us go back there again!"

"I'll burn praise Amy's Job Network to the ground!"


An attempt I made at recreating the glory of AJB- and with a moderate amount of success.
Our company motto: "The road gets too long for you, we'll cut it. The ladder gets too high for you, we'll cut it. The race gets too tiring for you, we'll cut it. The price gets too high for you, we'll decrease it slightly."

The Safe Traveller's Complete Guide to Australia

My entry for the competition of year eight. Unfortunately the golden justice-wielding sword of Mr. Denning struck me down and named Daniel as the victor. I like to think of this site as a result of my 'Grey Era'.

Site a registered trademark of 'The Most Awesomest Seven-Billion Tonne Robot'

pictures 4 bnet