Yule/Winter Solstice Hey guys since the Winter Solstice is coming up I thought Id add a bit aboot it. K. here goes: The Winter Solstice is also known as: Yule & Candlemas It celebrates the death of the God but rebirth in the Goddesses womb. Also the new beginning of the Wiccan year. The altar is usually adorned with pine (x-mas tree hint hint) mostly all evergreens trees, plants etc. like rosemary, bay (laurel leaves the romans leaf circlet thingies) juniper & cedar. You can use these to mark the perimeter of your circle instead of cord Ritual (you need a candle, Blessing Chant Invoke the Goddess & the God. I sorrow not, though the world is wrapped in sleep. I sorrow not, though the icy winds blast. I sorrow not though the snow falls hard & steep. I sorrow not; this too shall soon be past. -Scott Cunnigham: A guide for the solitary practitioner. It can be changed to suit your needs in any way as spells focus more on intent than spellcraft. Then... Ignite a candle. As the flames leap up say: I light this fire in your honor, Mother Goddess. You have created life from death; warmth from cold; The sun lives once again; the time of light is Waxing. Welcome, ever-returning God of Sun! Hail mother of all! You may then begin the spiral chant (you circle your altar until you feel full of power but kinda dizzy. Chanting: The wheel turns; The power burns Then Meditate (yes I will add some exercises to practice) upon the hidden energies of the sun which lay dormant in Winter beneath the earth & inside us. Think of birth as not the beginning of life but the continuance. Welcome the return of the God. When you feel ready return to your altar or where you have set-up & say: Great God of the Sun, I Welcome your return. May you shine brightly upon the Goddess; May you shine upon the Earth, Scattering seeds & fertilizing the land. All blessing upon you Reborn One of the Sun! If you wish you may work magick to do with death & rebirth. A simple feast may follow. Feel free to change any of this to suit you best. :) |