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This is the way I meditate so feel free to change anything you want to suit you or whatever you feel is right.

k. basic meditation~ make sure your in a quiet place where people wont disturb you (ask your family members not to if need be), turn off your mobile/cellphone & take off your watch-so your not tempted to look at your watch to see how long you’ve been meditating.

Lighting- candles are best but if your not allowed to use them use a lamp-I use the one on my bedside table, because you cant have too much light in the room so you cant use overhead light (lights on the ceiling) put your back to the lamp or have the candle infront of you (it doesn’t matter where the candles are coz they give off soft light) and sit down comfortably how ever you like, some people prefer chairs for the straight back its up to you, and regulate your breathing… breathe in four counts… breathe out four counts until you feel your heart beat slow a bit & your body relaxes (note: if you need to take shorter breaths in and out don’t worry just take shorter ones :) ) don’t worry aboot how long its taken you just focus on your breathing… nothing else.

Now visualize an object, an apple is best because of its varying colours etc. Now picture it in your mind see every little bit of detail: all the colours, the textures-is it smooth and glossy? Etc, is it a ripe apple, is it red or green? Now turn it in your mind & see the apple from all angles possible: top, bottom, side etc.

When you’ve done that open your eyes. Don’t worry if you didn’t get it at first coz practice makes perfect! It may take ages to perfect it but its well worth the while.. you can just immediately sink into meditation as if it were using a muscle. & when you have perfected it its easy to modify it to suit your needs e.g. imagining your psiwheel spinning as practice/motivation to move the real thing.

Intermediate is just trying to take a bite out of the apple taste it etc. & when you’ve conquered that there’s imagining objects with your eyes open at your house & in the outside world & stuff. Hope I’ve helped! If you need other guides for intermediate and advanced just Email me.