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What is a psiwheel and how do I make one?

A psiwheel is basically just a Peice of paper folded so it has four equal rudders protruding in four directions(you'll get it once you look at the diagram below). Your objective is to make the wheel spin using only your mind, which is a good excersize for devoloping telekinesis.
How do you spin it? People have lots of different techniques to spin the wheel, such as:
  • Making a psiball where the wheel is (If you don't know what that is, see the psiball section in Pshychic Info)
  • Visualizing the wheel spinning
  • Meditating beforehand and doing the above
  • Cupping your hands and keeping the psiwheel inbetween them (though roughly 15cms away from the wheel)

Although my favourite is tricking your mind into thinking the wheel is already spinning. Anyway, here is a diagram showing how to make one: