Ok i thought i'd post some info about crystals for you guys... Amethyst- Helps promote clairvoyance, draws good dreams to you, good for memory & promotes quick-wit, Associated with the Brow chakra & is placed on your third eye for spiritual or psychic developement or place over area of pain if you have a headache & move it in slow circles, balances your body energy field, eases grief, aids meditation, Is a powerful ally against a psychic attack when set in silver & benefits your nervous system. I once read it CAN help with your self confidence but im not too sure... Moonstone- Usually set in silver as it is associated with the moon. It is receptive & helps to balance & soothe emotions, restoring peace & calm. Holds a magickal charge. Moonstone aids the developement of clairvoyance & other psychic abilities. Malachite- used in ancient times to help to free a person of colic, aid cramps, rheumatism, & to help tone muscles. Also helps to release supressed energy Lapis Lazuli- worn as an amulet to cure melancholy, Expand awareness & helps with spiritual growth. Hematite- Protects the wearer from negative energies but i heard that it grounds which means you can't practice magick whilst wearing it... Can relieve stress, clear your mind-sort things out & can boost your memory. Howlite- (One of my faves, its very pretty :P) Eliminates pain, stress & rage, lessens rudeness & encourages subtlety & tact. Garnet-Love & Compassion, a stone of health, brings self confidence-allowing the wearer to let go of old grudges, but goes dull when danger approaches. Improves the blood & skin disorders. Increases your psychic sensitivity, Assits meditation, place UNDER your pillow to discourage bad dreams, to attract a soul mate wear a heart shaped piece over your heart. |