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Take what you get. Never ask for more.

Our Company

Established in 1301, Amysoft has continued to offer quality computer products. Amysoft was founded by Amy Clashnore, a local peasant, who was tired of King Edward and his fat-cat rates. Amysoft was origionally named 'Peasantosh', but has changed it's name to suit the times.
What does Amy Clashnore have to say today? "Red is a nice colour. That's how I thought we should go. But Edward wouldn't have it. The next day, he was covered in a plush crimson. So I went for the royal blue. Now who has the last laugh?!"

Drawing of computer; Size=240 pixels wide

Our Business Philosophy

Our company motto: "The road gets too long for you, we'll cut it. The ladder gets too high for you, we'll cut it. The race gets too tiring for you, we'll cut it. The price gets too high for you, we'll decrease it slightly."

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